It's never easy to start
We've been on a hiatus because something wonderful happened over the summer. We welcomed a lovely baby into our family.
We've put everything on hold, including exercising and working amongst other things that we love to do. We are often overwhelmed and tired. The only way to avoid a burnout is by taking care of ourselves.
We started with a walk around the block, then many walks at the park and some uphill, then several 30-45 minutes easy swims, and now we're able to swim for an hour.
We've been swimming like beginners, focusing on gentle movements and rebuilding. We're noticing some progress; we sleep better and the brain fog seems to be dissipating. We're enjoying the process, and we're moving forward.
"Recovery doesn't happen overnight. It could take months or even years. You're not in a rush. In two years, you'll be doing fly like you used to." Hearing this from our coach, Anna, has set us up for the right expectation.
It's never easy to start, but here we are, starting small.
Check out our swim parka: The Original sPARKA