VOWSA Kits Challenge 2023
What a beautiful day for open water swimmers!
We stationed our booth on Kits Beach to showcase our stylish swim parka, aka The Original sPARKA. Thanks everyone for telling us wonderful things about our product.
Meeting y'all was fun. My favorite moments were when swimmers recounted their swim.
"The last bit was so hard, but I made top 3!"🙌🏻
"I beat my old time by 7 minutes!"🙌🏻
"The buoy floated off course! I swam an extra 1/2 km!" 🙌🏻
"I saw two seals!"👀😍
The race wrapped up with awards and cool prize draws. Congrats on winning a sPARKA, @topatopa2818!
Big thanks to VOWSA and all the volunteers. We're amazed by your dedication.
Check out The Original sPARKA | Swim Parka!